
Civil war: Poem

I looked through the window
Birds chirp beckoningly
Scent of morning air wafts
I can almost taste
crisp grass blades
Skipping children, booming adults
gossip, sipping hot coffee
Brotherhood is in the air
I cherish the songworthy city

I wake up from my dream
I look through the window
Songs of the dawn are
sirens and shrieks
the stench of blood reeks
I taste sheer panic
a family divided by distrust
drenched in gas canisters

Air strikes are pikes
to the eager heart
Barrel bombs leave no
scope for a fresh start
Secret police turned traitors
Snipers beleaguered my street
I’m a one-man army, weaponless

Battle lines are unmoved
much like political aspirations
and cultural prejudice
that cost innocent lives
I wail for the broken city
Homes turned into rumbles
No brothers, only rebels

I look through the window
I see nothing
Darkness has come for us
I want to return to the dreams
but I can’t find my sleep


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