Myriad Musings

Liebster Award

Thank you very much. I’m sincerely honoured and humbled by the nomination. Readers, do check out this poetry blog:

Questions for me:

1. What inspires you to write and why?

I’ve always written and enjoyed writing, as far back as I can remember. I may write for an emotional outlet or intellectual stimulation but mostly the inspiration isn’t external; it is writing that’s the inspiration.  I’ve always loved words and I write to write.

2. What is one quality you wished you possessed but struggle with?

I fight losing battles vigorously and it drains my resources for fights where I do have a winning chance. I wish I could better discern when I need to take up my sword and shield and when I need to give in to the dance of divine timing.

3. What’s a sound that you love?

I love the sound of laughter, especially when it is uncontrollable and distinctive. That’s impressionable and very contagious.

4. What is your go-to movie or show?

It would have to be Friends. It’s timeless.

5. What is your favorite part about yourself? It can be physical or metaphysical 🙂

I’m very interested. I’m interested in people, new skills, events, conversations etc. I believe interested people have interesting lives because they actively engage with a plethora of stimuli and can always view life through the lens of childlike wonder and vigour.

6. Who is your favorite historical figure and why?

I don’t have one. As I’ve written before, I don’t prescribe to superlatives in general.

7. What is something you’ve tried that you will NEVER do again?

Eat sesame seeds.

8. What is one of your favorite holiday traditions? It can be any holiday.

During Krishna Jayanti, they have children dip their feet into rice flour paste and walk. The child’s footprints are taken as an indication of the lord’s arrival. I really enjoyed that as a little kid.

9. When you are old, what is one thing you think your children (if you have any) will ask you to tell stories about?

I don’t have any. Interesting question though.

10. Describe your life using 3 words.

Energizing, productive, straightforward

11. What gives you courage?

It is unbelievable to me that I’m able to laugh and live so fully after some of the experiences my past self has endured. I take courage from the fact that, even if I lose a lot of things, I’ll still have my values and that’ll help me pick myself up from scratch. With every new adventure and experience, I’m certainly readier than before to have faith in my own strength.


  1. I started this blog as a birthday gift to myself.
  2. I’ve “Iridescent” tattooed under my left collar bone.
  3. My politics is personal. I believe in living my beliefs so I can hopefully influence the people I meet.
  4. I’m one of the most uninhibited people in any room.
  5. I’m a hugger.
  6. I give a lot of compliments, and I mean them.
  7. I feel very uncomfortable when I’m asked to try new food. It’s an inexplicable fear.
  8. I’ve done 3 ziplines and heights still terrify me.
  9. I’m a fake burp expert.
  10. I admire something or the other about every person I’ve interacted a ton with.
  11. I’m the same person around authority figures, peers, friends, family etc. Different social groups bring different aspects out in some people; I don’t think that largely holds true for me.

Again, thank you so very much for the nomination and thank you for reading! Happy blogging, everyone!


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