Myriad Musings

Blogging tips I didn’t follow (1k follows)


Hello, readers. I never thought I’d do a post that has 1k follows in its title. Not only because that is a milestone that wasn’t even on my radar when I started, but also because I think it’s tacky. But, here we are.

I want to take this opportunity to give a shoutout to all my followers, my dearest readers and the generous souls who leave comments that make my day. Thanks a million for the smiles.

I also realised that, being a private person, my followers don’t know me on a personal level, even after a hundred posts. So, through this post, I’m going to touch upon my blogging journey.

Why blog?

1. I used to crucify my writing (to the point where I’ve thrown many notebooks in the trash once I filled them up) and I wanted to commit to putting it out there

2. I wanted to become a versatile writer, in terms of exploring myriad themes, styles, literary devices and genres. I thought actively engaging with other phenomenal bloggers would be a great step in this direction

3. I ardently desired to make people think and feel

Blogging tips I didn’t follow:

I mention these, not to discredit these tips, but merely to encourage you to do things your own way. There are no ‘rules’ you should feel pressured to follow, that is not in alignment with your personality and your blogging aims.

1. Find a niche

Since my focus is on expanding my comfort zone, I didn’t want to restrict myself. I’ve had the kindest readers who’ve been receptive to poems, terribly tiny tales, listicles, short prose etc.

2. Social media is the key

Since I’m a millennial who is social media free, I’ve never had those platforms for blog promotion and I didn’t deem it necessary to create them. This may change in the future.

3. Exchange is essential

There are many readers who follow me without ‘liking‘ a single post ( it confuses me till date). Perhaps, they expect a follow-for-follow. I read most of the posts in my followed sites feed and hence don’t partake in this shallow exchange.

4. Post daily 

I certainly posted daily in the age of Daily Prompts. But, it’s wise to let your post breathe for a while so that more people across the world get an opportunity to see it. With more likes, you’ve a better chance at appearing on the reader’s feed and gaining visibility.

5. Stats is your guiding light

For the longest time, I hadn’t even noticed the stats section. I’m still tech handicapped that way. Irrespective, I’ll never tailor my posts solely based on likes. I blog for my satisfaction and let my authentic self through. Even if all the numbers vanished tomorrow, say due to a technical default, I’ll still keep writing as I’ve been since I was four (mostly about cats on mats that play with bats).

I do understand the positive side of these tips (so kindly refrain from pointing them out in the comments). My only goal here is to assert that there is no definitive rulebook for success in this platform. Instead of stressing over Dos and donts, I want to empower you to do things that best serve your interests.

My warmest thanks, again, to everyone who’s been a part of my journey.

The WordPress community has filled my heart with its generous and unflinching support. It’s truly gratifying to hear your delightful, intellectually stimulating and encouraging views. I salute every blogger here and every artist in the world.

You don’t need to be an artist to breathe life into art. We can keep all the art around us alive by merely being aware of it. Thank you!

Copyright © Roshni Ramanan



Myriad Musings

Meeting monsters


Image result for pain abstract

I seem to have an inexplicable desire for pain.

More than curiosity. More than fascination. A strange craving, almost.

The way you’d try your hand at a spicier cuisine or experiment with a new hobby, to test your limits.

Perhaps, it’s my ardent interest in Psychology (one of my majors).

Maybe it stems from my belief that I am truly alive when I experience the A-Z of emotions in palpable intensities.

Or is the source subconscious guilt which makes pain feel right, even relieving?

I play with pain, the way a child blows air into balloons until the loud pop!

I am my own rubber band. I fiddle, pull and observe to see how far I can stretch, until the snap.

The breaking point is yet to be found.

Maybe, the reward is in that after feeling gutted, tortured, confused, I can surface up and claim, “That wasn’t so bad.”

We treat certain parts of ourselves as inner graveyards, with unimaginable ghosts.

Meant for paying an occasional, wary visit.

It is freeing to know that the darkness in me is tame in comparison to the illusory demons I suspect I will discover.

Maybe it’s time to invite the monsters under the bed to lay next to us and start a conversation.

You never know. You might just sleep better at night.

Copyright © Roshni Ramanan



Woman: Poem

Related image



Who are you?

Branded an egoist

when you brandish your wings

Dismissed a weakling

when you blunt your feeling

While your quiet is grace

laughter, a serene place

Your passion power

fury could melt a tower.


why are you reduced to

lipsticks and high heels

then called a hoe?


the word a blessed curse

but I swear not to reduce you

to attire and purse.

Woman, I took from you –

strength at your teat

hope in your arms

rapture in your eyes

surrender at your feet.


Creator, Destructor

Break free

Oh, Goddess under man’s mercy

Copyright © Roshni Ramanan

